Let us introduce ourselves


The group has established itself as a competence- and reference group in the field of paediatric oncological ethics.  Physicians and nurses, from all Nordic countries, are represented in the group. So far, the group has been able to recruit members who engage with both personal dedication and active engagement. See below under “Group members and contact”

The aims of the working group are to be a Nordic competence group that offers clinical ethics support services, and constantly raises ethical issues in paediatric oncology.

Initially there was a focus on self-education, by surveying the field of ethics and identifying relevant areas applicable to paediatric oncology, and this is ever present. The accumulating knowledge and skills of individual members in the group is of paramount importance to the group as a whole, and therefore it is important that the member list is fairly stable over time.

The specific goals of the group are within three different areas: “Clinical ethics support systems”, “Ethics education and training”, “Ethics research and quality assurance”. See below under the respective heading.